How to Find Most Searched Keywords

Search engines always prioritize to the keywords which are mostly search in the web search engines. Most popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, MSN etc gives more priority to the mostly searched keywords because in an hour and a day thousands and millions of people searched that kind of keywords like Barack Obama, Putin, China Economy and in a minute thousands of visitors reach a website. So that to show the right and best result to the viewers. Search Engines filter and rank a best blogs and site in the first position in a particular keywords.

Ranking a keywords can be affected by the rank of your website. If your website rank is less than 1 or it is 0 or N/A, your posts or article cannot be in a first rank even your article is best than other sites. So you should consider to get higher rank of your sites and blogs.

There are four ways to find the searched ratio of keywords:

  1. Using Google Trends
  2. Google Adwords
  3. Using Google Search Engine Suggestion
  4. Searching in the Forums
Using Google Trends to Find Highly Searched Keywords
Now lets go to find highly searched keywords in the blog in the recent time. If you want to find highly searched keywords in the google, then you can easily find through a google website. Here are the steps that you can apply while you are searching highly searched keywords. 
  1. In the first, go to the
  2. Choose a country to find the keywords which are highly searched from that country. 
  3. After choosing any of country like in the figure where I chose India and then there in the searched trends box just write any keywords or world to get the searched position, interests and related search of that keyword. In the given figure I chose India and then I tried to find the position and ratio of Keyword Bollywood which you can see in the following figures.


  1. sir please help me to increase traffic on my blog. my blog is how to add backlinks

    1. The best way to increase traffic into your blog is to write original content.
      - user social medias like facebook. Increase fb like and post site links.
      - post in high pr do follow article posting sites.

  2. Sir please help me check out my site. I post maritime news daily and am having problem generating traffics to it.

    1. I visited your site... As far as I know, I would like to suggest you to make good site appearance. And the most important thing is that you should use social media marketing. Social media can bring much more visitors into your site.


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