Show Particular Label Posts in Homepage

Show Particular Label Posts in Homepage
Posts Categorizing in Homepage
If everything is perfectly organized in your site or blog, then all the pages or post of your blog can be reached by the visitors easily. Like when we visit a news portal we can see there every news is categorized into different categories. Such as Asian news, european news, sports news, entertainment, etc. So that the visitors can find each and every news easily. Likewise some of the blog and site should be categorized into different categories. But there is little difficult to make the blogger post into categories. To categorize the recent post, we should use the lebel as category. It is a process of showing particular label's post in homepage. This kind of widget, you cannot find in blogger.

As usual we always advised you all not to change any code before keeping back up your templates because if you accidentally missed placed the codes, you can restore the template.

Here is techniques to make the particular label's posts showing in homepage:

Step 01: In First as usual Go to your blogger dashboard.
Step 02: Then enter into the template and click on edit html.
Step 03: After that find the code ]]></b:skin> above this paste the given code:

img.label_thumb{float:left;margin-right:15px !important;height:65px; /* Thumbnail height */width:65px; /* Thumbnail width */border: 1px solid #ff00ff;}
#label_with_thumbs {float: left;width: 100%;min-height: 80px;margin: 0px 15px 2px 0px;padding: 1;}ul#label_with_thumbs li {padding:6px 0;min-height:60px;margin-bottom:1px;border-bottom: 1px solid #ff99ff;}
#label_with_thumbs li{list-style: none ;padding-left:1px !important;}
#label_with_thumbs a { text-transform: none;}#label_with_thumbs strong {padding-left:1px; }

Step 04: Now find the <head> and just below this code, paste the following code

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[function labelthumbs(json){document.write('<ul id="label_with_thumbs">');for(var i=0;i<numposts;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var posturl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='replies'&&[k].type=='text/html'){var[k].title;var[k].href;}if([k].rel=='alternate'){[k].href;break;}}var thumburl;try{$thumbnail.url;}catch(error){s=entry.content.$t;a=s.indexOf("<img");b=s.indexOf("src=\"",a);c=s.indexOf("\"",b+5);d=s.substr(b+5,c-b-5);if((a!=-1)&&(b!=-1)&&(c!=-1)&&(d!="")){thumburl=d;}else thumburl='';}var postdate=entry.published.$t;var cdyear=postdate.substring(0,4);var cdmonth=postdate.substring(5,7);var cdday=postdate.substring(8,10);var monthnames=new Array();monthnames[1]="Jan";monthnames[2]="Feb";monthnames[3]="Mar";monthnames[4]="Apr";monthnames[5]="May";monthnames[6]="June";monthnames[7]="July";monthnames[8]="Aug";monthnames[9]="Sept";monthnames[10]="Oct";monthnames[11]="Nov";monthnames[12]="Dec";document.write('<li class="clearfix">');if(showpostthumbnails==true)document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top"><img class="label_thumb" src="'+thumburl+'"/></a>');document.write('<strong><a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top">'+posttitle+'</a></strong><br>');if("content"in entry){var postcontent=entry.content.$t;}elseif("summary"in entry){var postcontent=entry.summary.$t;}else var postcontent="";var re=/<\S[^>]*>/g;postcontent=postcontent.replace(re,"");if(showpostsummary==true){if(postcontent.length<numchars){document.write('');document.write(postcontent);document.write('');}else{document.write('');postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,numchars);var quoteEnd=postcontent.lastIndexOf(" ");postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,quoteEnd);document.write(postcontent+'...');document.write('');}}var towrite='';var flag=0;document.write('<br>');if(showpostdate==true){towrite=towrite+monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)]+'-'+cdday+' - '+cdyear;flag=1;}if(showcommentnum==true){if(flag==1){towrite=towrite+' | ';}if(commenttext=='1 Comments')commenttext='1 Comment';if(commenttext=='0 Comments')commenttext='No Comments';commenttext='<a href="'+commenturl+'" target ="_top">'+commenttext+'</a>';towrite=towrite+commenttext;flag=1;;}if(displaymore==true){if(flag==1)towrite=towrite+' | ';towrite=towrite+'<a href="'+posturl+'" class="url" target ="_top">More »</a>';flag=1;;}document.write(towrite);document.write('</li>');if(displayseparator==true)if(i!=(numposts-1))document.write('');}document.write('</ul>');}//]]></script>

Step 05: At last add the widget codes. Click on layout and add gadget then choose the html/javascript and paste the given codes into that box
 <script type='text/javascript'>var numposts = 3;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = false;var displayseparator = true;var showcommentnum = false;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = true;var numchars = 100;</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/label name?published&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script>
Step 06: Change label name by your blog's label
Step 07: You should just repeat the above code to put another label's posts but should change the label name.

Well done, You did successfully. 


  1. Thank you so much for this post, it worked for me. I would like to know how to hide the "post tittle" on the selected label for this group of post.

    Thank you.

  2. Don't working. I follow step by step but don't working in my blog. Do you know why?

  3. sir how show post in this label my label

  4. Did you use jquery api ?

  5. help me this post not work in my site

  6. Now tell me how to hide particular label posts in home page?

    1. Sorry, I don't think blogger has given such facility. But you can show those label posts which you want to show, by this, all other posts automatically hide from homepage.

  7. Hi,
    I followed all steps in my Alltech blog template, didn't worked. Then i reverted back to default blogger template and repeated the above steps, no luck.
    Please check your code, if possible create a Demo site.
    Good effort, thanks.

    1. It is working properly. Anyway, I will check once again and consider your advice.

  8. Dear Rakeysh,
    All people who posted here , the trick is working for them are fake, they just want a back link from you...i have seen all their blogs, no blog displaying the custom home page.And most importantly all running some paid web services.

    1. I will check all them and remove them out. Thanks for your kind information.

  9. hey. How to change the post icon

  10. Dear your code is not working in my this both blog

  11. It's not displaying the labled posts but the title of the HTML box is there. It's like it can't show the labelled posts. It's typed correctly. Don't know what to do.

    1. I want to see how you added. Can I ?

    2. It seemed to fix itself when the blog was public ( it was previously private). Thanks for the quick response anyway!

  12. it worked perfectly for me


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