Today, I am not only going to tell you to hide and show comment box of blogger, but also going to tell the difference of comments by users and reply comment of admin. I think you have already noticed that there you can not see any difference between users comment and admin comment. So if you want to make different style reply comment of admin, you have to follow this tutorial. Admin's comment should be different than other because sometime you have to suggest and warn the visitors, then in that time people should who is saying these things.
Here now I am going to tell you how to make different comment of admin from users. So you can add verified twitter page tick mark for blogger admin or author comment. Have you ever noticed a tick mark in any celebrity and leader's twitter page. This kind of verified mark is only provided for the worldwide famous stuff, such as for actors, best companies etc. Likewise we are just going to put it as for an admin comments.
Follow the following instructions for further process.
- Log in into you blogger account.
- Go to the template as usual.
- Press ctrl+f and find .comments .comments-content, then delete all the code inside this class. The content looks this:
background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url();
- Now you should paste the following code in that deleted field.
background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
- Then click on Save Template.
Comment us for any problem.
Thank You.
So if you want to make different style reply comment of admin, you have to follow this tutorial. twitter blue badge