What are Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Meta Description and Meta Title

Some of our visitors friend asked me about the difference among keywords, descriptions and tags.Some of the people do not know the exact meaning and difference of meta descriptions/descriptions, keywords/meta descriptins and tags.

Meta Description Title Keywords and Tags

What are Keywords or Meta Keywords

Let to me to clear about one thing that you should know the meta keywords or keywords are not used by the Google and Bing to determine the rank of sites an blog but some search engines still use it on its algorithm. So it is not necessary to think about meta keywords. Keywords are not visible in the site.
Meta keywords are same like the meta tags. Meta keywords should be like the meta tags which should seperate by the comma.

What are Tags of a Blog

In blog tags are called as labels and in wordpress it is called as categories which is separated by the commas. It describes a specific post as specific category. In wordpress and blog, they are often place at aside. Tags should place more than 3 in an post or article.

What are Description or Meta Description of a Web Page

Meta descriptions are more important than those two keywords and tags. Google algorith mostly follow the desciption to provide rank for websites and webpages. You should know that meta description should not be more than 150 word. It should be less than 150 words and not less than 100 words. Here you can place the possible keywords of your posts.

What is Meta Title

Meta title is title of each post of the blogs and sites. Title seems more significant for the better result of your posts in the search engine. Indeed title shows the attraction your blog. You should pick a solid topic or title and then publish your post.

Hope you all get some information about these important parts of SEO.
Thank you all.
